.Introduction to Essential Oils

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This class is taught by Elizabeth, ordained Minister of the Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire from the lineage of Mary Magdalene who used Oils to Heal when she walked the earth with Jesus. Young Living Oils are the highest vibration, 100% therapeutic grade, organic and NON-genetically modified Essential Oils on the planet.  If you are looking to work at the highest levels of Healing with Love, Light, Grace & Ease, this is the class for you. Come learn about Young Living and how these oils and products can enhance your life; Mind, Body, Spirit & Emotion on a Soul Level... Young Living Essential Oils and Founder D. Gary Young set the pace, only using the highest quality therapeutic-grade essential oils and leading-edge technology. Gary's wife Mary continues his legacy with their Seed to Seal promise of purity. Their state-of-the-art laboratory and cutting-edge production facility ensure that every Young Living product consistently leads the industry in purity, quality, and effectiveness. Freshly cultivated and steam distilled, the essential oils in Young Living's collection are life-enhancing gifts from the plant kingdom, revered for centuries for their support to body, mind, and Spirit. Pure essential oils now re-emerge as a key solution to the challenges facing modern lifestyles. Superior to all others, Young Living's therapeutic-grade essential oils deliver positive benefits to the body through smell, direct absorption into the skin, and by normal digestive processes. Cleansing, calming, stimulating, soothing, Young Living's essential oils bring balance to all systems of the body. 

  I was the first woman welder in New England Electric in 1984. Proud as a peacock, I was living life in the fast lane. However, I was also working in the power plant, a chemical environment with a toxic diet of sugar and carbs. Truth being told, when I got called for overtime, I could go another 8 hours on a Dunkin' donuts coffee with 7 sugars. I loved sugar so much, I'd have dessert, then my meal and then dessert again. I was strong as an ox and what I was doing was working. Loving carbs was an understatement. Being raised Italian, there was nothing better than a loaf of Italian bread hot out of the oven with an antipasto, and dessert on top of that!

By the time I retired from Engineering my body was such a toxic mess it didn't even register on the pH scale. One night at 61 years old, I woke up with full body tremors. I was beyond scared.

My passion aside of welding, was Shamanism, because of a healer who helped me with a back issue in my 20's. I was used to traveling the world studying with the best of the best healers using the most amazing techniques from Reiki, Egg & Candle healing, Biofeedback, Hypnosis to Quantum Healing and beyond. When the tremors came, I sought out several different Medical doctors. None of them could help me.

I refused to acknowledge the phrase doctors often tell us "you're getting older, get used to it". My mother in law is 91 years old and can run circles around most of us, so that phrase is false in my eyes! I knew I never took care of my body. I also knew it was time to make changes or I'd be heading for the grave. I just prayed it wasn't too late.

I dug deep into the wisdom I gained over the years, went for live blood analysis at my friend Pam's place.
She placed my blood under a microscope and we viewed it on a big computer screen. It was really interesting. I said "Oh look how pretty, it looks like a thick silver circle", She said, "that's the heavy metals, we can talk about that".

​As my blood dried, we could see the heavy metals push to the outside of the droplet.
When I saw my blood popping like balloons, I said "Oh look how cute, they're popping like balloons". She said with a very serious, sad tone, "Oh dear, it's apoptosis" - what I saw, was my blood dying on the screen right in front of my eyes.

I returned home with a plan and sent my hair in for hair analysis which showed details of the heavy metals present in my body. Along with Lyme disease and a brown recluse spider bite from a few years ago where the back of my leg turned black, I now had a map of issues in my body.

In all my studies of the Healing arts, I knew Sugar and Carbs were bad for me, but I never, ever thought I had to quit. I thought that did not apply to ME. Now, It was in my face, I knew I had a few months to change or I'd be in the grave. From the wisdom gained in all my studies I knew which products were the best of the best so I seriously began my healing process to save my own life.

I immediately started taking recipes of Young Living Essential Oils and ate only what God designed for us to eat. I tried to stop all sugar and carbs and found myself waking up in the middle of the night in a rage, diving into the cupboard for crackers just to sleep. This was a serious addiction. I remember reading about the study they did with electrodes on the brain, where a person ate bread and the neurons fired in the same sequence as if they were on opium.

Then I started chewing Slique Gum every time I wanted a carb or sugar. I added healthy food to my diet along with Young Living Master Formula vitamins, Multi-greens, Omegagize, Super B, Super C, Agilease and Powergize supplements. Just because of my worldly travels, I also added Para free protocol for parasites.

After 3 weeks, the cravings completely stopped. I eat by choice. My favorite now is eating a cup of peas with rice vinegar and olive oil ~ Vegetables are truly delicious.

I swapped out toxins in our home for Young Living toxin-free, laundry detergent, insect repellent, sunscreen, hand and dish soap along with shampoo, hair products, make-up etc...

After 3 months tremors stopped 80%, after 12 months,tremors are completely gone, I dropped 44 lbs, gained more energy, stamina and enjoyment. I don't even desire carbs or sugar of any kind. Canoli's, cheesecake and Italian bread don't even tempt me. I choose to feel good over the addictive "gotta have" state of consciousness. I did taste one bite of Italian bread at Easter dinner with my antipasto... I spit it out, it honestly tasted like a ball of cotton. I don't want it. I never, ever, want to feel like that again.
Thank God for Young Living, Gary and Mary Young and their Seed to Seal promise to bring these amazing products to us.
I am eternally grateful !